Welcome to our love story!

Christine’s story

As many of you may know, me and Thomas met at work. The first time I met Thomas I was truly taken back. No word of a lie it was like one of those TV/movie moments when the guy looks at the girl, then back at their mutual friend/acquaintance indicating that they ought to be introduced. Comically I caught onto this, but our mutual friend was completely unaware - as she continued to eat her lunch peacefully. This was until total silence fell upon us and it became glaringly obvious what was being suggested. She introduced us, ‘Thomas this is Christine’, ‘Christine this is Thomas’. ‘Nice to meet you Christine’ Thomas said before he bopped off.  

The next few encounters were nothing out of the ordinary, just a group of work colleagues having lunch together. That was until one day when everybody else was away for lunch, me and Thomas had the opportunity to become properly acquainted as we had lunch together just the two of us. That lunch we spoke about everything from movies, interests, hobbies to deep philosophical questions. I found myself free and unafraid to be my most truest self with him. We shared a lot of similar beliefs and values. Me and Thomas continued to have lunches with and without the group that summer, but as time went on this fizzled. This was until we became re-acquainted once more in our next rotation, where we allocated the same ward.  

During the time we spent working on the same ward we shared many great moments together, filled with laughter and joy. We supported each other through life's difficulties including loss and grief. I always looked forward to our encounters and cherished our conversations. Around the time I was suppose to be finishing my rotation me and Thomas arranged to meet and go for roller skating and dinner. We had an amazing evening, and what followed were more lunches, dinners and days out. It was apparent to us quite quickly that there was something deeper here. We got to meet each other’s families and were engaged fairly quickly, I guess when you know you know.  

Its crazy because I feel as though the months we spent as colleagues and then friends prepared us for this moment. As during that time we were able to recognize that not only could we go through life's ups and downs together, but that we could have a lot of fun doing it. Thomas is now a key part of my life and I cannot imagine life without him. We have created a lot of memories and have built a home together.  I honestly can’t wait to experience the rest of life with him by my side. And I am so excited to share this special day with you all.  

Thomas' Story

When I met Christine, I knew I'd found someone who understood me, and accepted me for who I am. Instead of dismissing me and my weirdness, she embraced it, and wanted to dive deeper into my mind. We first shared a love for esoteric sci-fi movies - The Fountain. I asked Christine to watch this film as a bit of a test. When Christine returned to me from watching it, she had so much to say and was so enthused, it enamoured me to her. We worked together for a few months, I was quite shy so it took until AFTER we were not longer working together for me to ask her out on a date. Of course she said yes! The rest, as we say, is history.

We spend all of our time together… At work during lunch breaks, almost every waking moment outside of work. And some people think we’re crazy. But the truth is my heart aches when we’re apart. I am so excited we have this chance to show all the people we love and care for just how much we mean to each other, and having you at the ceremony would be an absolute honour.

I have to take the opportunity now to thank Christine for all the hard work and effort she puts in to loving and caring for me. Christine has an incredible mind, she understands people in a way I cannot even comprehend, and she has used this super-power to help me heal and grow from my trauma. Before meeting Christine, I was totally put off the concept of getting married… But very soon after we started dating, I was the one who convinced Christine we should tie the knot!

Again, I want to thank every single person who attends this day that means so much to us. Let’s dance.